How to Become a Life Coach: Training, Programs & Certifications


Becoming a life coach is a great way to help others achieve their goals and live a better life. But before helping others, you need to become a life coach yourself. 

This article will help you understand the process of becoming a life coach, the different training and certification programs available, and how to choose the right program for you. 


What Is a Life Coach?

A life coach is a professional who helps people identify and achieve their goals. Life coaching is a relatively new profession but has recently grown in popularity. Many successful professionals, entrepreneurs, and businesspeople have life coaches.


The Different Types of Life Coaching Training and Certification Programs Available

There are many different types of life coaching training and certification programs available. Some are offered by universities, while private companies offer others. There are also online programs available. The type of program you choose should be based on your needs and goals. Here are a few schools to look into:

The Life Coach School

The Life Coach School is one of the most popular life coaching certification programs. It is an online program that offers both self-paced and live training. The Coaches Training Institute is another popular program that offers both in-person and online courses. NewCoast Career College offers an online life coaching certification program that is less expensive than the other two programs mentioned above.

The Coaches Training Institute

The Coaches Training Institute is a popular life coaching certification program that offers in-person and online courses.

NewCoast Career College

NewCoast Career College offers an online life coaching certification program that is less expensive than the other two programs mentioned above.


How to Choose the Right Program for You

When choosing a life coaching training and certification program, it is essential to consider your needs and goals. To become a certified life coach, you will need to choose a program accredited by an organization such as the International Coach Federation (ICF). If you are interested in starting your own life coaching business, then you will need to choose a program that offers business training.


The Benefits of Becoming a Certified Life Coach

There are many benefits to becoming a certified life coach. First, it will give you credibility with potential clients. Second, it will help you better understand the coaching process. Third, it will give you a network of other coaches to learn from and collaborate with. Finally, becoming certified shows that you are committed to your coaching business and are serious about helping your clients achieve their goals.


How to Start Your Own Life Coaching Business

Starting your own life coaching business is a great way to help others achieve their goals and live better lives. If you are interested in starting your own business, there are a few things you need to do:

Step 1 – Choose Your Niche

The first step to starting your own life coaching business is to choose your niche. What type of coaching do you want to do? There are many different niches, such as career coaching, relationship coaching, health and wellness coaching, financial coaching, etc. Once you have chosen your niche, research the needs of your target market and how you can help them.

Step 2 – Create a Business Plan

The second step to starting your own life coaching business is to create a business plan. This will help you define your business goals, target market, and how you will reach them. Your business plan should also include a marketing strategy and financial projections.

Step 3 – Get Certified

Getting certified is the third step to starting your own life coaching business. As mentioned above, becoming certified will give you credibility with potential clients and help you better understand the coaching process. It is important to choose a program that is accredited by an organization such as the ICF.

Step 4 – Launch Your Business

After you have completed the steps above, you are ready to launch your life coaching business! Start by creating a website and social media accounts. Then, begin marketing your business to your target audience. You can do this through online advertising, content marketing, public speaking, and more.



As we explored, becoming a life coach is a great way to help others achieve their goals and live a better life. But before helping others, you need to become a life coach yourself. By taking these steps, you can ensure you’re ready to support your new clients as a life coach.